Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Descartes Dualism Proposal Is An Interesting Concept

Descartes dualism proposal is an interesting concept due to its simplicity. Yet, being so simply makes one more and more want to dismiss. His argument begins with what is known as Real Distinction. This is the term used to describe a substance or non-physical object that exists on due to the help of a higher being or power—be it God or science, though Descartes would likely argue for God. The mind, in Descartes view, can only exist because of this higher power. One knows the mind exists simply due to being able to ask the question of its existence. However, to prove that the body exists one must think about the physical nature, shape, and sensations of said body. In Descartes sixth meditation he discusses the idea that a person can conceive their mind without their body, but cannot conceive of the reverse. This argument seems to be the most sounds. One example that can be used to describe this idea is simply a body switch. If a body is separate from the mind—given that the mind is where we produce thoughts—then it may be entirely possible to switch bodies. There are many examples of this throughout fiction and even religious text. Movies like Freaky Friday where a mother and a daughter have their bodies swapped to reincarnation, where one literally dies and their mind is â€Å"reborn† within a new body all together. The very fact that this concept is so ingrained in our society hints that Descartes may have been on to something. Humans can, in most cases easily see the

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